The struggle is real! That’s the refrain as we try to figure out the next night’s dinner options. Normally we are out and about eating to our heart’s content at local restaurants in the Dallas area – the area that ironically has the most restaurants per capita in the country. From fine dining, to fast casual to fast food the DFW Metroplex has you covered. From seafood, to the famous Texas smoke barbeque restaurants, to the best steakhouses going, to burgers to amazing Japanese, ok Chinese and of course the best in Tex-Mex, we are normally blessed with an abundance of food choice riches.
Well that Rona chick, done changed it all that. We are now enjoying the abundant choices on just about every food delivery app imaginable, and finding ways to cook has healthy and abundantly as possible. The big take away from all of this is that we find ourselves watching what we are eating much more under these circumstances, be it cooking our own food and being more aware of eating healthy, to checking what restaurants are putting into the food we have delivered. So while Rona, is indeed a struggle, this struggle is making us stronger in the end, in terms of eating better and more healthy more regularly.
Of course this presumes you follow all the recommendations on keeping you and your family healthy – masks, social distancing, frequent and thorough hand washing and of course staying in as much as possible.