Percy Mayfield (American Rhythm-and-Blues Singer) Pat Metheny (American Jazz Guitarist)
Larry Graham (American Bassist) Howard Tate (American soul singer and songwriter) Sharon Bryant (Lead singer of the R&B group Atlantic Starr)
Billy Griffin (American singer and songwriter) Stix Hooper (American drummer and founding member of The Crusaders) Bobby Byrd (American R&B soul singer/songwriter, bandleader, talent scout, record producer, and musician) Bobby Caldwell (American singer and songwriter) Frederick Knight (American R&B singer, songwriter and record producer) Oscar Peterson (Canadian jazz pianist, virtuoso and composer) Little Beaver (American […]
James "J.T." Taylor (American singer, actor and lead singer of the R&B/funk band Kool & the Gang)
James "Jimmy" McCracklin (American pianist, vocalist and songwriter)